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Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Mississippi

Featured News

Akshay Khadse Receives a Fall 2023 Grad School Dissertation Fellowship

Akshay Khadse was selected for a Fall 2023 Graduate School Fellowship. Students in the final stages of the PhD are eligible

Sumeet Kulkarni Wins 1st Place in the GSC Symposium Creative Achievement

Sumeet Kulkarni won first place in the Graduate Student Council Symposium Creative Achievement Category for his video on light pollution.

Lorena Magaña Zertuche is the Student Representative of the APS DGRAV

Lorena Magaña Zertuche was elected as Student Representative of the American Physical Society Division of Gravitational Physics.

Anil Panta Will Work at Jefferson National Lab

Anil Panta will soon start a Physics Data Scientist position at Jefferson National Lab where he will work in high energy physics computing.

Purnima Narayan Receives an Emerging Scholars Doctoral Fellowship

Purnima Narayan was selected as one of the 2023 – 2024 SEC Emerging Scholars Doctoral Fellows from the University of Mississippi which is one of the participating institutions. Purnima excels in all components of the award: academic excellence, superior work as a teaching assistant and a commitment to diversity as illustrated by past actions.