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Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Mississippi

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

There are many research opportunities available to undergraduate physics students. We encourage all our students to do research with our faculty and staff.  Opportunities for great experiences are open to all our students in all our main research areas:


Projects are also available in digital electronics as well as some other areas.


Students and faculty at Belle II summer school

L to R: Michel Villanueva (postdoc); Radhakrishna Adhikari, Ming Zern Ngoh, Sakul Mahat, Paul Gebeline (undegrads); Jake Bennett (assistant professor); Anil Panta (grad student).

There are opportunities to attend specialized summer schools such as the  Belle II Summer School that the four undergraduate students, seen in the photo above, attended in the Summer of 2019. There are also opportunities via the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) programs. These are available via the National Science Foundation and elsewhere.

Examples of past students who have conducted Undergraduate Research in Physics at the University of Mississippi can be seen here:


PHYSICS 463/464

All undergraduate students are required to complete one semester of research.  Students must enroll for a minimum of 2 credits of Physics 463 or 464 with consent of the instructor.  General descriptions of research project areas are given below.  Senior status is not required; students may enroll for 463/464 at any time.  Students are encouraged to contact the faculty member offering project areas that interest them to discuss possible research projects to satisfy the 2-credit Physics 463/464.  Students may also speak to their academic advisors to help with initial contacts to other faculty members to discuss research projects.